Listing Items

Once you've created your auction, it's time to start listing items.

Listing Process

After configuring your auction settings and creating your auction, you can begin listing items. 

To start listing, click the Add Items button. You can add single listings, bulk listings, and rollover listings.

Add Item

Single Listing

This lets you add listings one by one. When clicked, a window will pop up allowing you to add the details of your listing.

new listing 1

When listing your items, try to fill out all possible details. Here's a checklist for a good item listing:

  • Descriptive Title
  • Strong description
  • 3-8 quality images that include an image of the actual product being sold
  • Quantity of items included in this listing (i.e. 3000 Cell Phones)
  • Accurate and details Conditions Scale
  • Attach any files related to the items such as documentation or spreadsheets

Check out our Seller Guidebook for additional listing tips.

Bulk Listing

Bulk upload is our recommended way of uploading items. Bulk listings are uploaded in CSV format, which stands for Comma-Separated Values. CSV files can be opened as a spreadsheet in most spreadsheet software. Download and use our template to make uploading items easy and hassle free. Please check out our Bulk Listing Instructions for a detailed explanation of our bulk listing process. 

Rollover Listing

You can easily re-list items that didn't sell in previous auctions. Clicking on rollover listings will bring out a pop up that allows you to select a previous auction with unsold listings. Upon selecting the auction, all unsold listings from that auction will populate your items page. You can decide from there which ones you want to keep or omit from your auction. 

Managing Your Added Items

Once you've listed items, they'll show up under your draft list of items. 

Uploaded itemsFrom here you can edit each item, change their category, upload additional images, or remove them. You can also use the check box to select multiple items. 

Moving Items from your Draft List

In order to launch your auction, you have to move them into the Ready to Go tab. In order to do that:

  • If moving a select amount of items, use the checkboxes to select the items you'd like to move
  • Click the Actions button below the Add Items Button
  • Click on Add Selected to Auction or Add all to Auction

add items to auctionYour items will now be added to the Ready to Go list, allowing you to launch your auction. You can change the item position that they'll show up when browsing the auction on the buyer portal. Useful if you want to put certain items throughout your listings:item position

You should be ready to launch your auction now! Be sure to check out our Seller Guidebook for additional information about creating quality listings.