Good Photos sell, this page will help you ensure your photos show off your product and attract bidders
Uploading photos is important to the performance of your auction and the number of bids your items receive. The first image uploaded will be the image shown on the item's listing card on the buyer portal.
Single Items
For single items, we recommend the following number of image:
Original Manufacturer Photos (1-3 photos)
These are photos you find off the manufacturer website. They are great first images, since they'll show up on the listing cards, but should not be the only photos you include. Including these photos alone could mislead buyers and cause confusion when receiving the actual item.
Photos of the Actual Item (2-3)
These help show what the customer will actually receive. It gives transparency to what you're selling and how the item looks, and proves you have the actual item.
Photos Showing Condition of Items (as many needed)
This is important when you are selling used items. If the item has any damage or missing parts, it's important to be as transparent as possible with the customer and show visual proof of these issues.
For example, if a cell phone is listed as having a barely noticeable minor cosmetic crack on the screen, you'd want to take a photo of the screen showcasing this so that customers know what they're buying.
Multiple Items Per Listing
In some cases, you might be selling a pallet containing multiple quantities of items. It's important to follow the steps above, but also include photos of the pallet itself. If you have a listing for 200 cell phones, buyers are going to want to see that you have the actual pallet containing the items, and how they're packaged.
Photos can make or break your auction, so make sure to include plenty of informative photos along with attractive first photos for your listing cards.