Contacts Section

Here we cover the contacts section of the seller portal

Contacts sectionThe Contacts sections is where you manage all your contacts. It is automatically populated from users who register for your auctions, but you can add contacts manually as well. 

Adding Contacts

Click the add contacts button shows the dropdown menu to begin adding.

Single Contact allows you to add a contact with full details, including first and last names, email, company name, phone, and any tags. 

Multiple Contacts allows you to add contacts by email, using commas to separate each email. Great if you have a list of emails you'd like to add. You can customize the contact details later. 

Import Contacts is the best option if you want to add your customers and have all their information. It functions like bulk uploading items, where you use a CSV or XLSX file to add them. Download our templates to help manage the process. 

You can also filter contacts by whether they have created an account, been invited, no account, or locked. 


After uploading, Tagging contacts is incredibly useful for managing and adding them to the pre-approved list for an auction. Set a custom tag by clicking the edit button on the rightmost column of the contact list, or select the checkboxes next to each contact and use the actions button to assign tags to all selected contacts.

Downloading Contacts

You can download your contacts by clicking the download contacts button. You can download them in CSV or XLSX format. This is helpful for building mailing lists, adding them to your personal database, and more. 

Our contacts page makes it easy to manage your customers. You can group them by tags and pre-approve them for auctions. We'll be adding more features for managing and organizing your contacts in the near future.